Movie Summary
Guild first Patchwerck kill, for questions please visit our website forums.
Glyphs: Icy - SS - Ghoul
I have trouble responding to the comments so I'll point some stuff out:
As for the FPS and editing this was not really meant to be entertaining, this is simply showing the DPS capabilities of an Unholy DK.
My UI is huge because I'm used to it and it helps me control the raid as a raid leader. I'm sorry if it blocks the view.
Rotation is nothing special, make sure everything is on CD (Gargoyle/trinket)
PS -> IT -> BS-BS -> SS -> RP dump after that you spend all death runes on SS and pray that the glyph will proc diseases else just go back to the rotation.
Again thanks for the comments Ill fix the issues for future fights.
Running raids every week but getting no loot? M+ isn't dropping anything either? Blazing Boost can guarantee your loot!