WoTLK Rated Arenas - Destruction by Socio
Class: Warlock | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : US - Test Server US (PvP)
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Movie Summary
Part 1 of my raw footage from doing some arenas at level 80 on beta with my Destruction Warlock. Playing 2v2 with Jayde, an Unholy/Blood Death Knight. This is pretty RAW footage, showing how the spec works out a bit with it's strengths and weaknesses so far.

I'm not claiming to be the best warlock ever, though I do think I know my stuff enough to give a good idea how a 0/17/54 spec looks for the arenas. You'll see some people get blown up, you'll see me get blown up. I make mistakes, they make mistakes. Blah blah. Music listed in the video. I'll throw up a 2nd one with more raw footage later, and can also upload my two skirmish videos to WCM if there's interest..

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