Movie Summary
After hundreds of games playing with my paladin friend trying to figure out which pally spec / strategies is best in our BG, we finally found one and succeeded with it. I believe we're the highest rated shockadin/Rogue and the third highest rated rogue/pally duo worldwide. It goes to show how rare this setup is when 2200 is top 5!!! We worked pretty hard for this and replaced many keyboards and mouses in the process due to RNG and anger (lol mace stun)
About the Video..
Now this isn't what you would expect of a pal/rogue combo , we pretty much burst down all of our kills, taking our targets out from 100-0 with a single stunlock. Most of the battles here are less then 1 minute, we never outlast anybody.
It goes to show how broken paladins are in arenas when my pally wears all tier 6 PVE gear, yet still can't outlast anything (even when he's flash of light spamming)
most of the fights are warrior/healer with a mix up of double dps and rogue/druid
The editing isn't as heavy compared to my previous videos, since I got lazy and haven't touched sony vegas in over 2 years
Don't hate on the dumb mistakes i make (My pally carries me), i quit for a good while at the end of season 2 and only became really active at the end of season 3
Mods and songs used can be found in the credits at the end of the video.
and lastly, yes perception wins us games lol
EDIT: Lots of people experiencing heavy pixelated/tearing so you guys will need an xVid codec or maybe even the player to watch this video
EDIT 2: I hope this will resolve the codec/pixel/tearing problem with some of the viewers.
that is the codec pack that i used to render/view my video, hopefully it fixes things. .
If you don't have the time to grind for PvP gear or rating, Blazing Boost can help!