Been almost a year since I released my first video, been wanting to make another for some time now, been frapsing alot of outdoor pvp and arena games since i rerolled a new mage but never gotten to the point where i�ve slapped them all together and finished a movie(outdoor pvp is dead pretty much unless its your day job like noone). But after reaching a whopping 10k downloads on my 1st video I thought I had best give it another shot (IN YOUR FACE AGRAMON).
All duels included in this video are against possibly some of the best pvp players at Stormscale in my opinion. My aim was to show mage vs most of the mainstream ( and some not so popular ) specced people played by top notch players. I�m 17/0/44 or 0/5/56 throughout the movie. The duels where i still have the blizzard bars are all from patch 2.3 (except Orly who I duelled the next day after 2.4 came out) and the ones with just the CD skills showing are from 2,4. There are some things that I would do alot differently now after the icy veins change and spellsteal buff.
So anyway, I know the movie is long but I promised to everyone who I duelled to show at least 1 win and 1 loss. The players that are included in this movie are as follows (in order of appearance):
Hayd � Priest (Shadow)
Jackicem - Rogue (Shadow Step)
Chrillie � Druid (Feral)
�lashinko - Shaman (Restoration)
Orly - Priest (Discipline)
Kadis - Warlock (SL/SL) ( Used eye of moam and spell penetration gear wich equals 250 spell penetration)
�nother - Mage (17/0/44)
Pepperkat / Eldissy - Warrior (MS with TM)
Gorxar - Shaman (Enhancement)
Ysara - Paladin (Retribution)
Colgas - Hunter (Marksman)
Sonny - Druid (Restokin)
I won't go into greater details about the fights, I mess up on some occasions, have no problems admitting it. I learned alot from making this movie, and I hope you may do too.
All music used in this movie should be mentioned on appearance (excpt the intro which is Nightwish - Adventurer and Orly duel wich is In flames - Disconnect). There are alot of people who I forgot to mention in the credits (or just didn't have room for) you know who you are (please don't send me death threats *cough* Alca *cough*).
Well thats about it, thank you for watching and who knows maybe I get around to making an arena movie / outdoor movie at some point. If you wanna see mage vs mage duels with LoS and mass bandages etc you can go watch alcas movie (
97 )
Just to make somethings clears, I have nothing to do with the guy who uses name "Trig" on and plays in Vurtne's guild, even tho we used to play same server. I have no clue why he had the need to chance his name to same as mine from his old one (Sasorix).