The Adrenaline Rush
Please go to the following link to read my regularly updated blog!
Part 1: Intro/1v3 Skirmish (I know, bad fight, but heck long queues, 1 fight will do)
Part 2: Duels vs Agramon, Devian and Chrille
Part 3: 2v2 Arena (Literally only 3 fights fraps as had to cut out on others half way through due to odd freezes)
Part 4: World PvP (Ganking crapper geared opponents? yes, lots of it, and some silly stuff by me too :( Its not very serious so dont take it so, I am mainly playing around, such as killing targets in wrong order just to spice things up)
Part 5: 3v3 Arena (Our unique setup in action, possibly may make others want to try this themselves)
SCT cooldowns
Cooldown Timer
Status Bars
Natur Enemy Cast Bars
Arena Master
I know I promised many that I would spend a long time on a movie one day, unfortunately this is not it, however to figure what I should focus on in future will depend on the feedback you give.
I included a bit of everything and reduced editing included in fights to make it easier to see what is going on. I do agree editing is the future, but there always will be a demand for movies without all the flashy effects and I feel more comfortable there, I'll let the computer whizzes blow your minds with special effects :)
Enjoy ;).