Welcome to the end of the trilogy!
This is a duel video where I break down my fights and explain what's going through my head, point out mistakes I make, and suggest what I could do better. The point of this movie is not to give specific strategies, but rather to show you a way to think about your own fights to improve yourself.
I am an average mage, and these are average fights. If you're a WTFBBBQPWN mage, you won't learn anything new. If you're having trouble in PvP, though, take a look! I assure you, anything I can do you can do too. Don't give up!
I once again changed specs, this time going for 33/0/28: Arcane Frost. This means I've basically covered all specs (besides arc/fire or full arc) in these three movies. I also found different classes this time. Mage fights abound, and I even found a pally and some warlocks. If you want to see duels against other classes, check out the previous movies.
The blue bars you'll see often indicate a Clearcast proc. This is done by a mod called Power Auras. I also have it set for Focus gem procs and freezes, as you'll see.
There were suggestions for voice narration, but after asking around and doing a few tests I decided it just wouldn't work. You're all spared my horrible voice. I stuck with the same style as last time, and tried to keep it simple, clean, and straightforward for you guys.
If I do any more movies, I don't think it'll involve duels (or focus on them at least) unless someone can convince me that it wouldn't be more of the same. You might see a "I Suck At BGs" sometime though...
Special bonus feature for the masochistic among you:
Caramel Hunter Dance.