Movie Summary
Hey people!
I finally finished the script for my last Tales of the Past movie! That means recording starts soon ;)
As with the last movie, a trailer/teaser is in order, spreading a bit of hype is always good for getting more people for your recordings!
Anyhow, this isn't really a trailer, it doesn't show any actual material from TotPIII, but it might be a good guide for other people aiming at getting lots of people for their movies! This trailer has the sole purpose of getting more people for the recordings :) So keep that in mind when watching!
No matter what EU server you play on, you are welcome to join recordings on Dunemaul EU with an alt (prefferably undead or dwarf male). No level req, all you need to do is keep an eye on or (general discussion), where I'll be posting dates/time/place for the recordings.
See you soon!