Dakk 7 - Aftermath by Dakk
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : US - Scilla ( Stormstrike )
4.49 /5 54 ? ? 379 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Alright, here it is...my seventh movie. I had to do a few things that I really wanted to do before I finished off level 60, and I made this movie from it.

First would come the Premed Hemo build using the ol Sand Polsihed hammer, before the 2.0 patch hits. Secondly, after the 2.0 patch, I did Mutilate with my Perdition's Blade and Core Hound Tooth. (I was unable to get the HWL weps really fast, cause I was pretty much gone for the entire week before they were nerfed) Lastly, I got my sword and combat build that I set out to use while leveling in BC, and made my last PVP section from it. I picked up the new BladeTwisting Talent.

I know I have some odd titles behind my movies, and the reason this one is called Aftermath is kinda simple. This is the Aftermath of my most well known movie, (Dakk 6 Breadth) and it shows what I decided to do after, and in response to that movie. As I usually do, I worked on the criticism you guys have me from my last films, and tried to make a better one.

I definately tried to get music everyone would enjoy this time around, and in most situations, making my best attempt to not use many cooldowns, and little things like that.

After the end of the credits, just like my 6th movie, there is a little Bonus Stuff section, that has a few random clips.

Other than all that stuff, there really isn't much more to say about the film. Anyway, I hope you really enjoy Dakk 7, Aftermath.


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Views: 40,485
Daily Views: 6
Rating: 4.49 / 5
Category Rank: 6019

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WCM Fame: 87
Rank: 196 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 12
Total Views: 628,936
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