Foredoomed Chapter 6 *TRAILER by Foredoomed
Class: Warlock | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Destromath ( Blutdurst )
4.81 /5 87 ? ? 65 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
This is, more or less, a trailer to my upcoming movie. I actually didn�t intend to release another movie since nearly everything has already been shown and it gets kind of repetitive and boring, however, because Burning Crusade changes the PvP-System drastically, I will release another movie next year.

Important Note: This trailer is actually more a teaser than a trailer since it has nothing to do with the upcoming movie (it was recorded before I received a beta key). I just felt bored of WoW (didn�t raid for 3 months and the PvP-System is utter crap), so I frapsed a bit, started editing and finished this in one day.
I just intended to satisfy my need to make a little movie and to announce the sixth part, showing a bit of what you can expect (world pvp, 1v1/2, well geared opponents, different music etc.).
It will be released after having reached lvl 70 and some better equipment.

Music: Dornenreich � Her von welken N�chten � Eigenwach (Austrian Symphonic Black Metal)

Live Stream quality sucks as usual.

The interface was completely disabled. I think it fits better in a trailer-like movie.
Since the focus is not the PvP in this movie, I added some (amateur) effects harmonizing with the music in order to keep it entertaining.

Any construtive criticism is appreciated, but please, don't tell me if you like the music or not, rather tell me if it fits into the movie and why/why not.

Expect it to be released around June '07.

-October '06

#edit February '07: Fortunately the sixth chapter will probably released much earlier than previously announced. I already started frapsing, so it should be done in a few more weeks.
*Framerate improved! =).
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