[Teaser] The Legacy of Shandris Feathermoon - the Strongest OpenWorld NPC in the History of WoW by Suloxo Entertainment
Class: Death Knight | Category: Other | Server : EU - Norgannon ( Hinterhalt )
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Movie Summary
On this day, 9 years ago World of Warcraft: Cataclysm has been released and the classic World in World of Warcraft has been changed a lot. Not only the map itself got changed, new NPCs were added across the world of Azeroth and many existing got reworked, re-designed or buffed. For me and and my heroic friend, the "inventor" of the art of Kiting Raidbosses to big citys, Dr. Anokata from Norgannon (today Ryson-Norgannon/Hardiness-Venoxis), the pre-Patch of Cataclysm was a time where we just did one thing: Hardcore Researching the whole "World of Warcraft" to find the strongest, craziest and best NPC to kite! I can still remember the day where Anokata said to me the: “ I have found it, this NPC is what we were searching for so long!” But there was no way to kite Shandris to Orgrimmar with Level 80, so a few Weeks passed, we leveled up to level 85 which was the max level at this time, geared up a bit and found a way or mechanic to survive the whole way from Feralas up to Orgrimmar which did take around 60 minutes! We were the first persons in the world who managed to kite Shandris Feathermoon, and after we uploaded this to YouTube (in 360p with 4:3 format and a potato PC and a guy behind the PC who was just 14 years old with no Money for a GameCam or Fraps license :D - That was me :D ) many other Persons did kite Shandris as well to Orgrimmar, after some time Shandris got so well known in the Community and so many people did kite her daily that Blizzard had to respond. First of all - I got banned for 2 weeks on one occasion when we kited Shandris. While I was kiting her, a Game master wanted to chat with me, he told me to log off and that my account will be banned for 2 weeks and to not do this again. A little later, the developers did some changes on Shandris, just because of the guys who did kite her, blizzard did redesign Shandris so that she doesn't follow you further than outside of her base. This was the sad end of a legend.

Disclaimer: of Course Shandris is no longer the most powerful open world NPC anymore, but back in 2010, she probably was.
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