Movie Summary
The last two - three Months I made ~ 1.500.000 Gold, my purpose: Gold cap! ^_^ I only played in the evenings after the work without loosing my time for RL.
So, maybe you all have now the same question: how? I don't know if someone already do this what i the last two - three months did, i never have seen anyone with the same strategy, apart of the People which i told this.
The thing is, If I tell you all this here, to much people would do the same
and so this would no longer work, for You and for Me, practical for everybody.
So I thought I wil choose two of my
most active subscribers in the comments below!
If I choose you, you can find a "how to do" guide
on (If you are one of my subscribers on YT, but you watch this on WCM, please set your comment on YouTube, thank you)
But I also will say in advance: so that this for you good and efficiently works you maybe need a little bit technical skill (Multitasking/boxing, macros etc.), two (or more) accounts, 1x recruit a friend for speed leveling, two monitors or more are beneficial and a minimum level of skill and experience
Good luck! :D