Movie Summary
Less than 4 weeks until WoW Classic !
While being struck by nostalgia, I dug into my hard drives to find videos from Vanilla and stumbled upon this machinima.
I had started shooting it in April 2007, a few months after the release of The Burning Crusade. I was not really happy about the new extension (I mean ... are we in space now ?? I thought it was a heroic fantasy world !) and was really missing Azeroth. :(
This video was a pretext to show the "beauty" of some of the Vanilla landscapes.
It took me 4 months to shoot and edit, and was released initially in August 2007.
The story was very ... simple and naive, as I wanted it to be like a tale for children (I actually showed it to 9/12 years old kids in my family back then). That's the reason why the Horde is depicted as "the bad guys" ! (I was actually playing horde myself and really loved crushing alliance ;) )
As it was my second machinima, it has a lot of flaws, and that's also the reason why I didn't re-uploaded it when Stage 6 Divx closed.
But this was a cool project to do, and I remember being proud of it 12 years ago, so I wanted to give it a second chance (please be gentle ! :D)
Hopefully this will give you the drive to go wander again in the lands of Azeroth.
I know it did for me :)