Movie Summary
Hey there !
My character's name is Bestbad
What you can expect in the movie that is to be released :
1. Warrior PvP : -Duels , Arenas , BG-s (maybe)
2. Storyline based PvP & Voice acting
3. Duels , Arenas , 'BG-s (maybe)'
4. Featuring : Raznos , Fayewel , Rppl , and more ...
Music used : David Eman - Destruction
Looking for Voice Actors ! I can not offer you anything , but it would be greatly appreciated !
Please send me a message here or on my Youtube if you are interested
The Movie is still under Recording .... so this is considered as a very early trailer...
Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!