Movie Summary
Hey! I know its been a while since I uploaded anything here. I've been saving clips all through MoP to make another video but for the longest time I just haven't had the motivation to actually make one. What you'll find here is a shorter video containing Rogue pvp clips from patches 5.3-5.4.8 (I don't think any further back then 5.3 sorry if I'm wrong) I tried to include some World pvp, but as I'm sure most of you know its not the easiest thing to stumble across in this day and age. Overall I didn't spend as much time editing this as past videos but I was satisfied with how it turned out. With the expansion coming soon I wanted to release this before it becomes irrelevant. If you've read this far thank you so much and please sit back and enjoy!
Motionless in White - Generation Lost
Alexisonfire - We are the Sound
AFI - The Killing Lights
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