So I finally decided to edit and finish a World of Warcraft PvP rogue montage for MoP. It took some time and I am happy to present you with the result. As most skill in WoW has died aswel as world PvP, you have to find other ways to enjoy the game. So Kry and Me started playing 2v2 double rogue, and it went better and better, until we started beating "known people" with 2400-2500 rating. Here we realized we were on to something and we managed to push around 2469 curren rating, could push higher, I'm just not playing the game that much atm. Im this video we kill people like "B�ten", "Trille", "Praii", "Melby", "Nauree" and others.
I plan to continue playing the game in WoD, aswel as play casually the rest of MoP. I am really hoping for the game to get better world pvp wise, and less CC-wise in the upcoming expansion. I have played some on the beta, and honestly it feels like the PvP balance is better on the beta, than it is currently on live :P.
If you are still reading, sit back, relax and enjoy the video. I hope you enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed making it.
Just to make clear the video is not a skill-show-off-video :P, it is a video showing the fun I've had in the game in the past months, highlights you can say. It is made for entertainment purposes and the most of the people I fight in the World PvP part are undergeared compared to me.
Songs are shown in the end of the video. I hope I didn't miss anyone in the "thank you section" :).
More to come, now, I am going to bed.. :)
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