PvE Shadow Priest Solo Montage by zsun44
Class: Priest | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : US - Barthilas ( Bloodlust )
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Movie Summary
This is a video featuring short clips of my solo work from past and current expansions. The bosses themselves include pretty much most WoTLK bosses, some Cata bosses, as well as some of the more popular BC bosses. The full solo videos of any of the bosses featured in this montage can be found on my channel, so if any of the featured bosses raise your interest and you want to see the full solo, don't hesitate to browse through my channel or do a simple Youtube search. There are occasions where I possess multiple videos for the same boss due to their multiple difficulties, in this case a short clip from only one of the videos will be featured.

With all that said, this video is a nice summary of my previous solos. If you are not sure what exactly a shadow priest can solo in MoP, this video will give you a nice idea.

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