2200 Mage Solos Arena 1v2 Montage ☆ Pyromonkey Solos Arena Like a BaWWs! by sojooman
Class: Mage | Category: PvP | Server : US - Tichondrius ( Bloodlust )
2.73 /5 8 ? ? 257 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
[ For best viewing experience watch in HD and Turn up the Volume! ]

Me soloing in 2v2 Arena like a Bawws. Enuff said.
All footage all taken in the latest Patch 4.3. Enjoy the ownage.
Find Pyromonkey on server Tichondrius and say hi or trade him some gold...cuz hes broke...lol


~ Mage is not op I am lol...sorry but fire is finally better than frost. In another note, yes I use the keybind S to move backward because in certain situations it has actually helped control my char and aim spells better, I have used S for other spells but switched for my playstyle it gives me more control and aim for spells such as dragonsbreath/cone of cold.

Music tracks list in order:

1. MachinimaSound.com - A day in the sun
2. IWNBT - Worldless HQ HD
3. Muzzy - The Destroyer (TwoThirds Remix) [Monstercat Release]
4. Angel - Wonderful (Dexcell Remix)
5. Feint - Fury [Monstercat Release]
6. Mediks - Blown Away (Ft. Astronaut)

Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!
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