Hofflerand: For Sporeggar! by Hofflerand
Class: Paladin | Category: PvP | Server : US - Kel'Thuzad ( Nightfall )
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Movie Summary
My one and only Cataclysm movie! This is purely regular BG's, so if you're looking for arena this isn't for you. The footage took around a week to gather, the meat of which came from one daylong grind. I decided screw it, I want to make a movie! The quality is much better on YouTube (goes up to 1080p) or if you download it -- these links are to the right.

If you haven't watched one of my movies before, there's a lot of text to help the viewer know what's going on. I've PvP'd for years, but when I watch other people's videos I still miss a lot of things. And that makes me angry.

I go a bit overboard on pointing out WoG (Word of Glory) because I think viewers' eyes will spend most of the time on the action rather than my health bar. I also want people to get a feeling for the range of WoG, both when it's overpowered and when it doesn't hit very hard. There's no agenda here, just wanted people to see both.

I rarely point out Inquisition because it's part of the rotation; usually I take the time to get it up, but occasionally I let it drop on purpose. I try not to point out the obvious (HoJ, Avenging Wrath) and sometimes skip text due to time constraints (Zealotry). If you find the text too fast, sorry, but if it stayed up forever it'd be distracting. If you find it too slow, congratulations, you've got quick eyes.

What else is there to include in this wall of text. Every battleground is represented, which I think is pretty cool. I considered naming the movie Hofflerand: Worldwide Tour, but I best save that for a world PvP movie if world PvP ever makes a comeback.

Oh, this is pretty important: clips are occasionally tongue in cheek, the duel for example, and not every fight is 1v3. Make sure to look at what I have at the start (my interface is very clean for this purpose). If HoJ and Repentance are down, one rogue who gets the opener and proceeds to pop Evasion, Cloak, and Shadow Dance may cause problems, even if he's not the best rogue on the planet. If I'm fighting multiple opponents and Bubble/HoP are down, I'm probably going to use Lay on Hands. Etc.

Someone's probably gonna ask about MoP. I don't have beta, but Ret looks so-so. It's hard for anyone to say for sure before numbers gets balanced out and until everyone gets a feel for each class's new toolset. One gripe I have is Emancipate -- aka Acts of Sacrifice -- is a piece of shit from both a mechanical and enjoyability standpoint. That's not to say we need an instant gap-closer like Charge, but the new Death's Advance (100% movement speed at all times!?), Ferals getting back the ability to shift out of roots (baseline as of the last beta patch), the monk mobility kit, and so on are frankly insulting. Our combat-system looks polished, but what do we bring to RBG's? Casters are OP (at least on live) and Ret doesn't have Death Grip or Smoke Bomb. Seal of Justice? Every melee brings a run of the mill snare. Heals? RBG's are a min-max environment.

Okay, that's all I can think of and my wrists are getting tired. Rate the movie whatever you feel is appropriate and I welcome criticism so long as you're not an asshole about it. Enjoy!

If you don't have the time to grind for PvP gear or rating, Blazing Boost can help!
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