Fanatic Vs Hagara, The Stormbinder 10H by Jabarj
Class: Mage | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : US - Aerie Peak ( Nightfall )
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Movie Summary
Fanatic is a Brazilian guild on the server Goldrinn - BR.

This is "Ironforge Anvils"'s group kill on Heroic Hagara. We took a 3 weeks vacation throughout the holidays because poeople had to travel, when we came back we did Hagara and Ultraxion on the same day ^^

This is a multi-pov video, Fire mage, Restoration druid and Survival Hunter.

Hope you guys enjoy the video and have as much fun watching it as I had recording/editing it.

Group setup:
Moutostyle - Protection Paladin

Falliel - Discipline Priest
Kuler - Holy Paladin
Bowaroz - Restoration Druid

Jabarj - Fire Mage Mage
Oenghus - Arms Warrior
Padremartelo - Shadow Priest
Markerofl - Marksmaship Hunter
Sacul - Combat Rogue
Pretinho - Frost Death Knight

See ya around guys, GREAT HUG!

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