Acrono PvP - Seal Fate by Acrono01
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Shattered Hand ( Cyclone )
4.39 /5 49 ? ? 106 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
So I picked up a Perditions Blade, and it felt about time to drop my Hemo spec + Krol Blade for a while and go back seal fate, which I was last time back in July.

This is a test of sony vegas, before I go ahead and make my main movie (once I lose my blue gear).

This is my 4th or so movie I have made. Would like to think my movies improve over time but I dont back that at all :)

This is not a big crit movie, I keep the pvp as genuine and real as possible, dont only show my fights with loads of crits, as other rogues see this guy critting 90% of all his backstabs, and suddenly wonder why their ones dont.

I try and focus opponents on Hunters, as they are the usual bane of rogue, and I dont see enough rogue movies with hunter fights, so thought Id throw in a few.

Heres my profile:

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