BEBEP FA 3 (3 teasers pack) by Andrew Aidlez
Class: Mage | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Soulflayer ( Flurry )
4.98 /5 258 ? ? 67 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
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Teaser #1: featuring TR 2v2 with Corporatus (~2100 rating);
Teaser #2: featuring 2500+ 3v3 clips (MMP and FMP);
Teaser #3: featuring duels against Fakeyou and Razghul.

Hey there!
These are three teasers to the third Fire Arenas installment. Unlike the previous FA's however this one is going to me much more solid, both length (I'm aiming at 25-30 mins) and content wise. Please keep in mind though that it's going to be a pure arena video, meaning that you won't see any heavy footage edits or storyline.

As for a release date, I'll try to finish it by Season 10.

Please enjoy! :)

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