Across The Horizon - Teaser by Zhao - RIdPEF
Class: Unknown | Category: Underground | Server : EU - Illidan ( Cataclysme )
4.92 /5 21 ? ? 67 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Across The Horizon is an exploration movie entirely created by the Royal IdP Essploring Fundation (RIdPEF).

The RIdPEF is the oldest exploration community still alive. More than 5 years after its creation, this project is the first film that is totally dedicated to it.
This movie, just like the teaser, will contain exclusively � Cataclysmic � content, and each exploration shown has been performed on official Blizzard servers, without the use of third party programs.

For me, this movie is also a parting gesture: I stopped playing World of Warcraft a year ago. I followed the evolution of Cataclysm during the alpha and beta stages, but didn�t purchase the expansion pack. All the content of the video will therefore have been filmed by other members of the RIdPEF; I will only have taken care of the editing and coordination.

This will be my last video, and I shall strive to put all of my heart behind this project, so as to make it my best thus far.

Release is scheduled for late summer (2011)

Lastly, I have a message for the explorers of this world:
�Never stop, keep the flame alive.�

Music : Laibach - B-Mashina

Zhao / EU-Illidan
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