Crows Zero Promovideo by Nicarao
Class: Hunter | Category: Guild Promotion | Server : EU - Nazjatar ( Glutsturm )
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Movie Summary
UPDATE 2018:

UPDATE: seems that i have to clarify some things about this video :)

1. This is a promotion video for our old German PvP-Guild "Crows Zero" on EU-Nazjatar. The players i want to recrute, speak German. Thats the reason why the speech is in that language ;D and plz pard�n (lol) my poor english.

We have disbanded our guild, but you can enjoy the promovideo :)

2. This is my first movie with Sony Vegas. I got a madafuck*n ultra-computer a couple of weeks ago, so i decided to make a promovid with better programms.

I listened the music and the programms at the end of the credits, i repeat it here, because a lot of people dont wait for that and prefer to send me PMs :>

..::programms used::..

xFire videorecord
SUPER videoconverter
Teamspeak 3 (voice record)
Photoshop CS5
Sony Vegas Pro 9.0e
World of Warcraft
Machinima Studio
Warcraft 3

..::music list::..

wow ambiente sounds
Two Steps from Hell - Dragonrider
Crows Zero Soundtrack - Into the battlefield

3. I didnt make the Cinematics... i cut scenes of warcraft 3, because they fit so perfectly in the story i told in this promovideo. I have been playing Warcraft since 1995, so i supposed the most of you would know at least Warcraft 3. I didn't want to expect you to think i made that Cinematics by myself.

4. *SPOILER* I got PMs of nonGermans asking me, whats the story about, so i tell it here in short form:
An orc is dreaming, the alliance is preparing for war, they will attack the horde. There are heroes of the horde, they have enough valor, but they are "spread". An old man, the prophet, (also represented as the crow) gives the orc the task to bring the best of the horde together and make an union. The crow helps the orc with that, the union/guild gets the name "Crows Zero" in honor of the prophet. */SPOILER*

well, i hope you enjoy the movie ;)
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