This is a very short unfinished movie of Destro Disc Ele (Gandalf Cleave) back in late season 6, when wizard cleave wasn�t actually wizard cleave not knowing the comp would actually be good (skill less).
As I said the movie is unfinished, I started it shortly after I finished the first Jonnybaby movie due to the encouraging comments I received. However Demolition took a break from wow shortly after we started and in the end I didn�t have enough clips to finish the movie. I wasn�t actually going to upload it because it�s even shorter than my first one but a few people wanted to see where I got to and how it might have looked, so here it is. With all my movies I always try to portray the fun factor and why after all these years I still play.
I still play on and off so if you have any questions please feel free to message me in game or through wcm.
Johnny Cash- Country Boy (Remix)
Rock Island Line - Johnny Cash (Wolf Remix)