Kae - Blazing Dawn by Cer
Class: Warlock | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Destromath ( Blutdurst )
4.94 /5 448 ? ? 1175 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Played/Recorded by: Kae
Edited by: Cer

40% BG-PvP
30% Arena-PvP
30% Machinima

The Editing:
After 6+ months of editing I am finally done with this monster.
The idea was to create a cinematic experience based on PvP and a well thought-out storyline.
I created over 500 files (machinima, soundeffects...) and combined
them with PvP-scenes recorded by Kae.

The PvP:
Kae recorded all scenes in S6, but due to all the editing it obviously
took a while until the movie was done.
The arena part shows matches at 2,7k MMR and he was world#1 rogue/warlock during that period.

Kae - Destromath EU (http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Destromath&cn=Kae)
Cer - via wcm.com pm's only - no ingame contact!

Songlist at the very end of the movie.

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To everybody seeing similarities in its storyline to movies like shutter island: the story was written be me HALF A YEAR AGO.

Had to split it into 2 parts - to combine them:

If you want to improve your PvP skills, and become a beast in Arenas, Blazing Boost provides Arena coaching for all classes and specs!
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4.94 /5

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Daily Views: 38
Rating: 4.94 / 5
Category Rank: 922

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WCM Fame: 110
Rank: 1 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 23
Total Views: 1,800,586
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