Movie Summary
This is our movie about the Valithria Dreamwalker Hard Mode Encounter.
Have fun.
Warcraftmovies Premium - 3,8MBit 260MB
Megaupload & Filefront - 3,8MBit 260MB
The Addon that shows AP, Crit etc. is adjustable for every class, it is called PowerDisplay, you can find it here:
Options Menu: /powerd options
Track listings and contacts @ credits in the end~
I used a new codec mechanism for Windows 7 to get this quality with that size, please report problems during playback.
I recommend you to use VLC Media Player or Windows Media Player (Vista&Win7).
Please take a look at my previous movies:
Sanctuary Nazjatar-EU
Please do only rate the movie itself, not the class, faction, race or guild. Thank you very much!
You can play with Pro players at Blazing Boost and get your Keystone Master, Ahead of the Curve, and gear up fast!