Movie Summary
This is our movie about the Valithria Dreamwalker Hard Mode Encounter.
Have fun.
Warcraftmovies Premium - 3,8MBit 260MB
Megaupload & Filefront - 3,8MBit 260MB
The Addon that shows AP, Crit etc. is adjustable for every class, it is called PowerDisplay, you can find it here:
Options Menu: /powerd options
Track listings and contacts @ credits in the end~
I used a new codec mechanism for Windows 7 to get this quality with that size, please report problems during playback.
I recommend you to use VLC Media Player or Windows Media Player (Vista&Win7).
Please take a look at my previous movies:
Sanctuary Nazjatar-EU
Please do only rate the movie itself, not the class, faction, race or guild. Thank you very much!
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