Movie Summary
- r3 world 2v2 in worthless and unbalanced bracket
- overpowered insta cyclone
- overpowered insta cyclone
- trance music, no viking metal this time, I wanna be mainstream like others and get higher rat
- try looking at the focus frame, pretty much 90% of my CCs/other abilities are used on focus target
- Speccs: Imp mangle without imp shred 59/12 (some clips), Imp mangle and shred 59/12 (most clips), 56/15 with full natural shapeshifter
- Unnamedlol, a priest I just randomly whispered to that lets do 2s cuse I wanted to try feral and there was no priests on alliance. He turned out to be fucking ace.
- No editing and intro repeating same shit I did 2 years ago
So yeh I've been playing on friends character casualy for about 1�month now, which he eventualy gave to me. Just wanted to try feral with insta cast off but pretty much loved it too much to not try it on arenas. Although ppl whine (justifiably) about ferals, theres no doubt that insta cyc raised the skill cap of the class with the stuff you can pull out. Games are beetween 2700-2800 mmr from our other team, so we didnt have our shit down 100%.
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