Movie Summary
The following movie contains ninjas, samurais and a Michael Jackson druid.
Watching should be at own risk.
Hi everyone! :]
I'm uploading this movie for my arenapartner, Bullmamma. He decided to learn how to fraps, edit, play and make a movie in general in just a weekend. The outcome is pretty good!
This movie contains some Ret/Druid pawning and alot of emotes being thrown around at PvEheroes! (Death Knights should know all about it!)
Bull is a ninjasamuraiMichaelJackson-druid as you will find out in the movie. Don't go too hard on the comments or you will hurt his feelings and that will eventually lead up to bad play in arena!
We aren't using vent this season due to us being lazy and it not being needed (it is, but we're still lazy). Sooooo!
I'd say, enjoy the movie and give us your comments! Downloading ofcourse results in "best" and streaming results in "crap", but that is also at your own risk.
Rating atm is 2200, games are frapsed at 2200 but our matchmakingvalue is ~2600.
Yes this is a reupload :] from 1 week ago!
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