16/25/10 is probably the highest PVE DPS dagger spec in the game. With almost every single talent point invested for damage, it has been the strongest dagger spec in MC/BWL, but how does it play in PVP?
This is a build showcase, the wins/losses I chose to show are the ones that illustrate the strength and weakness of 16/25/10 against various classes and specs, not the actual players. PVP trinkets and cooldowns are not always used in every fight like GM vs HW videos since the matchs were all casual duels. I did not show every win and loss against every opponent since it is more of a highlight video.
The opponents almost all have top gear. Rank 14 rogue, Thunderfury warrior, full epic paladins of all three flavors, and one of the top five MS warriors on the server of either faction in term of overall gear. You won't find any scrubs here.
Hope you enjoy the video. I actually really enjoyed the combat dagger spec, it is a blast to play and a very different feeling from combat sword. It may not be as effective, but the frequency of back-to-back crit backstabs makes it a joy. I power leveled to 300 alchemist for the 60 energy trinket from ZG and hopefully heart of hakkar, I think I can take dagger specs in general up another notch.