RoguePatchwerk-HAT. by raphner
Class: Rogue | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Shattered Hand ( Cyclone )
2.68 /5 103 ? ? 140 MB Correct Share
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*Update* The movie can now be watched here(With high quality) :

DPS from HAT rogue, patchwerk.
Standard raid buffs, no pot/food/flask buff.
6.4kish dps. As you may notice, this damage is quite low. Thats because this nax was only a try run for HAT. I didnt change my gems for this specc as im combat gemmed wich mean poision cap and not expertise capped yet. A rogue with 600+ hit rating +alot more expertise would prob do 2-3k more damage as my evisc ability gets dodged/missed alot.
I still hope you enjoy this short clip of this bugged specc.


-Group setup-

If u choose to stream, the quality will be 100% worse. To enjoy it to the max, download it - wont take long..

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