Things You Need (48 hour film project) by Stone Falcon Productions
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : US - Silver Hand ( Bloodlust )
4.96 /5 388 ? ? 337 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Our film created for the 48 hour film project, machinima division. We did everything you see here (including think up the idea, write dialogue, lyrics, and music, record voices, cap footage, composite and edit) all within 48 hours.

Crew: Jun Falkenstein (Stone Falcon Productions) Ben 'Macheath' Covi (Oblivious Films)

Sam 'Sedrin' Pierce (Slashdance) orchestrated the music and made it prettyl!

Remember that pretty much only 2 people made EVERYTHING in 48 hours. Meaning that the visuals aren't super awesome and we ran out of time at the end and had to drop the last scene, instead adding the music track to the credits.

We did get a chance to film some stuff in Dalaran, which was kind of cool, since the Lich King had just come out the same weekend that the 48 hour challenge was happening. The sucky thing was that we were making this film and not PLAYING WotLK!

NOTE: The first Vimeo link is "censored" for the kiddies if you parents out there want to show a cleaner version to your kids. The other links are not censored (there is a brief naughty scene).

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