Hunter Vs. World 9 - Solo SV Heroic by dysphoria
Class: Hunter | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : US - Frostmourne ( Bloodlust )
4.94 /5 157 ? ? 102 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Solo Steamvaults First Boss, heroic. Filmed in WoW 2.4.0-2.4.3.

Hunter Vs. World Desktop Wallpaper: [1280x1024] [1680x1050]

Special thanks to Kasumi, who drew some fan art of my character and helped me translate into simplified Chinese. He helped inspire me to create one last video. I've asked him to create a desktop wall paper, which I will put up later.

I've known this boss was possible since BC release, but unfortunately Eyes of the Beast was bugged for a long time (NPC's could not be seen when outside of the players radius), so it was not possible. After HvW8 I returned there to film it. 6 months later here is the video.

This is probably my last video, as I stopped playing after my guild defeated Kil'Jaeden.

Where's the trash??
Didn't include it, it's boring. The trash is killed the same way as the boss. The trash is very frustrating due to healers, and takes 30+ min for any healer pack.

The stream doesn't work?
You need flash player 9. If it keeps buffering, download it or choose a different stream.

I downloaded it and it won't play?!?
What's an .mp4?
I suggest getting a codec pack like K-Lite Mega Codec Pack. Also try VLC Media Player.

Can I have your UI?
The mods I use are Pitbull (for health bars etc), Quartz (casting bars), Bartender (buttons) and CT_Viewport (black borders).

Is this filmed on a private server?
No. I am on US-Frostmourne, an Oceanic realm. Here is my armoury.

Thanks to Subzero, Gedan, Turix and everyone in #machinima on quakenet.
Greetings to BaronSoosdon, whose videos are an inspiration!

I want to contact you!
[email protected] or drop by my server and say hi!


[2008/08/10] Hunter Vs. World 9 (In Production)
[2008/08/05] Hunter Vs. World 8 - Solo-ology
[2007/03/18] Hunter Vs. World 7 - Solo Slave Pens Heroic (1)
[2007/03/07] Hunter Vs. World 6 - Solo Durnholde Heroic (1)

[2006/10/25] Hunter Vs. World - Solo PvE Tricks
[2006/10/02] Hunter Vs. World 5 - Solo BRD Emperor
[2006/09/04] Hunter Vs. Wrold 4 - Solo DM North
[2006/08/27] Hunter Vs. Wrold 3 - Solo DM East
[2006/07/04] Hunter Vs. World 2 - Solo LBRS
[2006/06/26] Hunter Vs. World 1 - Solo Scholo

[2008/06/14] Dysphoria's UI (Pitbull LUA only)
[2006/07/01] Frostmournes Finest
[2008/05/21] Red Fraction (Kasumi's Music Video).

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