Crawlix - Succubusion2 by raphner
Class: Warlock | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Stormscale ( Cyclone )
2.96 /5 35 ? ? 347 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Hi there, mini movie from raphner a.k.a Crawlix.

First movie can be viewed here: movieview.php?id=58084

Calling it a minimovie since its footage from _ONE_ day.

Its me doing dailys, and the people that attacked me.
its me doing daily pvp and the things that happend.
And a few bgs after.
And also some casual things with the new patch.

So dont expect uber clips, just showing of improved succubus.

So please keep in mind, mini-movie.


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Views: 20,415
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Rating: 2.96 / 5
Category Rank: 11439
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