Pat PvP3 by Pat
Class: Warrior | Category: PvP | Server : US - Lethon ( Nightfall )
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Pat Volume 3

What are the songs? CHECK THE CREDITS
My addons? HP bars = Xpearl, some cosmos stuff and scrollingcombattext


Is this video killing noobs with 10k healbots 93847329472 buffs? If you haven't noticed before this is how the warrior classes performs better, in fact under these conditions warriors can outdps any sunwell tier1million geared warlock or whatsoever.. so DAMN RIGHT IT IS

Plz don't stream, it's worth downloading!

Almost exactly 3 full years after the immense success my second video (High Warlord insane crits) has gotten; I decided to answer the fans call and make a new video. But today, 3 years later, both the community and the game itself has changed a lot, for one thing when my 2nd video was originally posted on there was only 4 or 5 pages of movies in the warrior category and today there is nearly 60 of them! I have been watching a lot of videos on this website since my 2nd video, starting with Maydie�s that came one month after mine and people had already started making comparisons and arguing about which one was better or whatsoever. So now 3 years later I can�t even imagine to start at how much comparisons I�m gonna get. I have watched tremendous works of editing in multiple video like Tales of the past, and boy do I feel like a total scrub in Video editing comparing myself to these guys. I learned how to edit with vegas by making my very few movies and that�s it! .

As I have stated before, I could�ve never expected my previous videos to get the number views/download they got (I expected something like FIFTY views for my first video and got over 90k). And so I never really put so much editing time in them, in my first video I estimate I did around 10-15hours of work, in my second video I estimate I did around 20-25hours of work (lot of this time being actually learning Vegas itself..).

For my 3rd volume, although I don�t expect it to hit as much downloads as my famous 2nd video, I did realize I had a fanbase and I obviously expected a lot of downloads, so this time I thought it�d be justified to put up a lot more work in editing. On this third volume, there�s at least 10times as much editing work but I�m afraid people won�t notice it that much. I have come to realise I�m not the best at this, I often have to pull off ideas cause I�m not really capable of doing them, or sometimes I would waste hours on something and after seeing the result I would just erase everything cause it looked horrible..

Some say my earlier videos were overrated, and I kind of agree in a way, but there are obvious reasons why they were ; I was amongst the first to do these kinds of videos and what I was showing was always new to people; may it be new gear, new way of seeing how the class performed in PvP, or even being among the first WoW PvP video of the time.

Today, it is pretty hard to be innovative with videos because so much stuff has already been done already. Also, today the game has changed a lot and it�s almost impossible to outgear people as I use to do it, partially because a lot of �free gear� is being handed out trough honor points and such, making the average player a LOT more resilient, a LOT harder to kill (scenes with consistants crits are so hard to catch even with nearly 40% crit; maybe about 80% of the people I hit near 400resil in BGs), so that�s a negative point for entertainment. I expected the filming to be a lot more "impressive", but almost everything I was frapsing ended up not being as good as I expected (tbh I am unsatisfied with the quality of my action scenes but I just couldn�t spend more time trying to get better ones). So with all of these facts, I tried making my 3rd volume as entertaining as I could but I�m also realistic and I know it will never be as �epic� as my second one (or maybe the fanbase will surprise me once again?)

I�ve also worked on a intro/outro that some might argue being a little to slow or to long, but these are the parts I had most fun editing and in the process I felt like it was making my video unique and kind of goes along my signatures from my previous videos..

1. Why no Arena?
I�ve Always made video for entertainment and personally I find Arena videos extremely boring, even if they are well done and/or played, so I wasn�t gonna put arena scenes for this reason. Also I want my videos to have a unique touch and I don�t feel like any arena scenes would suit my �signature� well.
2. Why Mace?!
Mace is better for 2v2 and 3v3 arena(IMO), and they are the brackets I like to play. Personally I find macespec pretty gay and I hate random things like that, but currently that�s what is good and I guess I have to use it. Also, I wanted to get the sword for this video but it would�ve taken me to much time� by then WOTLK might�ve came out or something (I needed to get throw weapon / shield / 1hand before also).
3. Your spec is weird!
I have respeced just improve my battleground dps, (no imp hamstring or TM.. geetting IMP battleshout and flurry instend) this is not the spec I usually play with in arenas
4. Questions regarding my old videos?
If you want to (I highly recommend it, especially with people that don�t know me or my videos) know more about my Videos history I have recently updated each of the descriptions (Just click my Author name above).
5. Questions regarding DeathWish extra talent point?
GO Look the description on my second video!
6. To all of you wondering where the hell I was, if I quit or sold my Account?
Here is my complete official WoW history. I�ve always played the same account since November2004 it has always been active. From release to summer 2006 I played my warrior as most of you know. About 4-5months before TBC I leveled a gnome mage on Zul�Jin, and later transferred to Ysera named Annihila. I have played this mage up to early Season3. Later, I leveled my Warrior in LATE season2 up to 70, and because I hate playing more than one character at once, from this point, I just stopped playing my mage. January 2008 I moved my warrior from Arthas to Natherezim(name changed to Insanecrits), played there until July. From July to August I transferred on Dalvengyr(name changed to Patap) (stayed only one month). And I recently transferred on Lethon(Name changed back to Pat).
7. Want to know my opinion on certain warrior specs? Arena setups? Or overall gameplay?
Please just move on.. I HATE these questions, I am certainly not the best warrior around and if you want answers to most of these questions, they can pretty much be answered with the armory
8. Want to tell me something?
Leave it in the comment or the warcraftmovies mail system (I will read everything unless there�s really to much), if it�s REALLY important you can come ask me directly on Lethon but please only if it�s REALLY Important cause I�ll be getting way to many whispers.
9. Can we expect a WOTLK video or any other videos?
I simply can�t answer that, I have a lot of RL stuff going on for one I might just stop WoW totally. Also I�m gonna give Warhammer Age of Reckoning a try and if that is better I�ll play it instend. And even if I do keep playing WoW.. I might not have time to make another video or maybe it just won�t feel like it so I don�t want to make any promises I won�t hold.



If you don't have the time to grind for PvP gear or rating, Blazing Boost can help!
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