2xDestro Arenas - Double Trouble by VisitorCz
Class: Warlock | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Drak'thul ( Reckoning )
4.00 /5 91 ? ? 375 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Hello everyone!

This movie is made for pure entertainment, not to show high ratings, because that's not possible with this combo and Reckoning BG.

Since I've found out that trying to do something as Destruction Warlock with Season 2/Guardian gear in S4 is pointless, I am quitting arenas
and will come back in WotLK.
The main reasons were meeting players with Season 3 shoulders/Weapons, and I've even countered a combo of double rogue, both with Season 4 weapons/shoulders at
1600 bracket. Problem is in rating system, we have won against Warrior/Druid combo, and gained 14 points, in rematch we have lost and also lost 18 points.
Meeting same people after one match is stupid, because they will know what to do right. And really, on this BG, there's no single Destruction Warlock with 1700+rating.
Tho, there are just few good destrolocks which could do at least 1600 rating...

Anyway, back to movie, me and Kezzak are going to not do arenas till WotLK, so we're playing as all players should. For fun, trying to have fun even in arenas
with this funny combo, doing high crits, etc.
We have done 1607 of max. rating, but then it went down again, when we've encountered Rogue/Druid and Rogue/Priest combos.

I hope that you'll have fun as we had.


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