WotLK: Azjol-Nerub by Devlin
Class: Rogue | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Dunemaul ( Bloodlust )
4.72 /5 35 ? ? 273 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
WotLK: Azjol-Nerub
Azjol-Nerub is the kingdom of the Nerubians, and their king, Anub'arak, is an ally of the Lich King.

The movie features a small cinematic intro followed by the bossfights, shown through gameplay by me on my rogue.

This is probably the best looking instance so far, in my opinion. I just love the Nerubian architecture! As the instance is very short, it is a bit too little of that sweet goodness. But you can always do it multiple times!

If you look, you'll see the new energy-system that is implemented in the latest beta-build.
I have a feeling that the final encounter, Anub'arak, is not finished, as it is early in the beta still. There was way too much time spent doing nothing in that fight, but it felt good killing him anyway! We did afterall outlevel and outgear the place, and here's a blue post regarding Anub'arak's submerging:

"The triggers for him submerging are based upon his health. So a level 77 group with great gear will indeed hit those triggers REALLY quickly."

Hope you enjoy this preview!

Delling - 75 Priest
Devlin - 76 Rogue (pov)
Jezzina - 77 Deathknight
Lightningcow - 75 Shaman
Teza - 77 Rogue

X-ray Dog - Cyberworld
X-ray Dog - String Tek
X-ray Dog - Lesser Evil

#iron-edge @ quakenet.org

You can play with Pro players at Blazing Boost and get your Keystone Master, Ahead of the Curve, and gear up fast!
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