Moonglade Community Photo 2008 by Falcore
Class: Hunter | Category: Other | Server : EU - Moonglade ( Reckoning )
3.85 /5 8 ? ? 39 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
An annual event i hold on my server every year.

Imagine trying to organise 175 people, to all stand in one spot for 1 hour and let one person film them.. Well, this is the result!

The work put into the video is nothing in comparison, compared to the organisation of the event! Those who attended would be interested in downloading the high quality version since you have a better chance of spotting yourself! However those just just interested, the youtube link should serve fine.

This movie represents the community we have here on Moonglade, we're just one big family!

Note: It is a shame however that its filmed in the evening, it would of been so much clearer in the daytime, but people don't tend to be online during the day, so i had to sacrfice daylight, for population, i did brighten the image up a little, but doing it too much would of ruined the clarity, anyway, i think i turned out pretty well!

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