Movie Summary
This movie does contain strong language and material some people may find offensive. Please realise any and all comments are purely for comedy value.
Vimeo/Filefront 1 = 3v3 Arena
Vimeo/Filefront 2 = World/BG PvP
Vimeo/Filefront 3 = 2v2 Arena
Hi i'm Preach, this movie was put together in the last weeks of season 3 it contains 2v2, 3v3 and world PvP.
The movie is large which is unavoidable. I have tried to cut it down to a fully streaming size but what was left wasn't what i hoped to make so i've made the 2 Filefront and Vimeo teasers for you to sample whats in it. If it is needed i will form 3 Vimeo clips of the whole movie depending on response.
I really hope you enjoy the movie in its full form, the quality is extremely high and you can see much much more concerning what me and Street are talking about.
I decided to add the voiceover as a way to alter it from other warrior movies. I got some beers and got my friend who is an ex wow player to come and see it for the first time. The voiceover is literally 1 constant recording of the 1st viewing.
The 3v3 team is Warrior - Disc Priest - Rogue
Not a pupular setup as its easily counterred. However Solace the disc priest is a pre TBC friend and Methodical the rogue is someone ive played MMO's with when WoW was a sperm in someones nuts. Not playing with them would render the game pointless for me.
The 2v2 team is Warrior - Paladin. a nice setup for us, i really consider playing with a resto druid as being carried. I don't want to ever feel like that, even in a game.
The world PvP and PvE is from some random clips i took over a month or so while debating whether go ahead with this project. Except the PTR clip of the awsome Flaskatoar, with the GM's looking on.
full track list of about 15 songs is in the credits of the movie.
X-Pearl Unit Frames
Bongos Action bars
I hope you enjoy it, its my first movie
[Post Movie]
Just to inform, i will not be making another movie from me anytime before arena in WotLK, im extremely happy with this one and the response from the community has been tremendous, i thank you all sincerely.
To compromise though, i will be editing Methodicals movie which i believe as its upto him will have our commentary over it as with this one. So if you enjoyed this one look out for Methodical's movie..
If you want to improve your PvP skills, and become a beast in Arenas, Blazing Boost provides Arena coaching for all classes and specs!