WoW Machinima Tool Tech Demo by malu05
Class: Unknown | Category: Other | Server : EU - Xavius ( Ruin )
4.92 /5 96 ? ? 93 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
About the Movie:
This movie is showcasing one of the primary features of the upcoming World of Warcraft Machinima Tool which is the camera waypoint / chasecam system.
It allows you to set waypoints ingame and then smoothly pan between them like the Warcraft 3 Editor camera functions.
The chasecam allows you to set a target point for the camera and then the camera will always point towards that spot.
Dragging the autoPan sliders will then give some cool "flyby" shots.

About the Tool:
What started out as a personal challenge little over a year ago have in the recent weeks become a project that might help many machinima authors creating their movie magic.

World Of Warcraft Machinima Tool gives you much more freedom for Machinima creation ingame.
The camera is no longer bound to your Toon, infact you now have 10 unique camera's you can place anywhere and easily toggle between them. You no longer need a super smooth hand to make impressive "flyby" shots, and you can finally make camera movements like the ingame cutsequences. You are no longer bound to the definition of "time", if you want a night shot you can just set the time to lets say 01:00.

This tool is not going to revolutionize WoW Machinima, but defnatly give the Authors much more freedom and control.

The tool is still in development but i have already released a early alpha version + the entire sourcecode.
Expect a public beta to come out some time soon. And hopefully this tool will be in its final stage before i just after Wrath hits the shelves.

A little side note is that this tool only modifies clientside data and i am making sure that it is not possible to "abuse" the tool.

More Info:

(warning, this application intercepts the World Of Warcraft memory space and therefore violates the EULA, may only be used for Machinima Purpose!).
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