Rogues do it from behind (EU Second Place Winner) by Geis Archrion
Class: Multiple | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - The Sha'tar ( Vindication )
4.89 /5 8 ? ? 81 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary

This is my entry to the EU Blizzard Machinima contest, to make a music video for the new L70ETC song "Rogues Do it from Behind".

This entry won second place. (EU side)

I enjoyed directing it, and i'm very pleased with the result. Thanks to everyone on my realm who supported me and let me use their characters. Thank you for being patient!
Thank you also to xcagedxxbirdx for the banner and her motivation.

Please visit the offical blizzard website and take a look at the other winners, they're awesome!

Geis Archrion
~The Sha'tar .
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Rating: 4.89 / 5
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