Ming vs Sunken - Clash of Video Makers by hitmantb
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : US - Lightning's Blade ( Vindication )
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Movie Summary
This is a best of 5 match against Sunken the author of several popular PVP videos on test server. As a human combat rogue without MOD 5, if I used perception I would get the opener off every time over an Undead Rogue, otherwise I would eat the opener every time. Given the gear advantage over Sunken, I chose to eat the opener in all 5 matchs.

Rogue vs Rogue is heavily luck dependent. I have 25% dodge and 10% parry, that is 35% chance to avoid a gouge/blind/kidney shot and Sunken has probably 30% chance to avoid those. With 5073 health I managed to absorb every single opener Sunken did except the first one, when he performed a thistle tea combo and my gouge would not come out and I vanished late when I realized gouge was not coming out (there is indeed a split second to vanish, the combo he did was not a true stunlock). Take a lesson from this match, whenever you see someone tea, mash VANISH. When a Rogue teas he is not going to rupture, vanish is the safest way.

Notice the distinct difference in playing style. I play a power game and my goal is to force Sunken play toe-to-toe. Any time we are not on evasion and we are pounding eachother, it favors me SIGNIFICANTLY. The advantage of a combat rogue over any other rogue in open combat, is almost as big as warrior vs rogue.

Timing on test server is tricky with different ping time as the home server, so you can say neither player is playing at full strength, still a very interesting video to see combat vs assasination in action.

Note: I really wanted to beat Sunken in a best of 5 despite of giving opener every time, would have been a classic video and definitely would have put a smile on my face after the forum posts, but I seem to have trouble closing people out. My last test server video, I lost to Thorb the Orc Warrior when I had a 2-1 lead and choked, the exact same thing happened this time and you can see the critical mistake in match 5 when I CSed and he vanished at exact same time.

My experience dueling with combat spec is still relatively limited compared to the 21/8/22 spec, AR requires some good timing to setup and in match 4 and 5 I didn't lock him down properly while using it, and it cost me the series..

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