Chronicle of the Annoying Quest: Episode 24 by Baka Savant Productions
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : US - Deathwing ( Nightfall )
4.78 /5 111 ? ? 40 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
In this episode, our horde characters finally arrive at Orgrimmar. Secrets about Dirim are revealed in the first, and probably only serious scene we'll ever have in this show... but I digress.

Our Alliance characters, after battling through Warsong Gulch, pause for a moment in The Barrens. During this pause, some unexpected people make their debut. Rora's uncle Goliath and aunt Vlada. It turns out Goliath is the one who crashed the Exodar...

(Sidenote: Since this is being released for everyone today on our site, including regular users instead of just sponsors ahead of time, I'm uploading the high quality version here. Hope you enjoy it.).
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Zygor Guides

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Views: 64,775
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Rating: 4.78 / 5
Category Rank: 817
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