MC-Addicts 3 by bsm
Class: Unknown | Category: Underground | Server : EU - Arthas ( Glutsturm )
4.74 /5 169 ? ? 164 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
This is the third modelchanging movie of our MC-Addicts series. We spent over six months to create it.
Here's the trailer.

1. Crystalsong Forest
created by Winnerdb and Xayo
2. Desolands
created by theViron
3. Murloc City
created by Bullshitmaster and Winnerdb
4. Spacy Stepps
created by Bullshitmaster
5. Bullshitmaster's Lair
created by Bullshitmaster (ya rly!)
6. Cow Level
created by Bullshitmaster, theViron and Winnerdb
7. ZangarElwynn
created by Asgard
8. Project Argonath
created by Bullshitmaster and theViron
9. Azshara Lands
created by Asgard
10. MCA-Island
created by Bullshitmaster and Winnerdb

KMFDM - Intro
Kurikinton Fox - Secret of Mana Crisis
Mindless Self Indulgence - Straight to Video (The Birthday Massacre Remix)
Wildecker Herzbuben - Zillertaler Hochzeitsmarsch (it rocks!)

Also watch
MC-Addicts 2
Booty Bay of Doom

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If you don't like modelchanging, you don't know the fascination of it..
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Views: 119,997
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Rating: 4.74 / 5
Category Rank: 61
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