Chosencaine: Episode II by Chosencaine
Class: Warrior | Category: PvP | Server : US - Cho'gall ( Rampage )
3.27 /5 30 ? ? 137 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Oh yes friends I remember. I remember like it was yesterday.

I remember. . . .when endgame fury WAS pvp.

I remember when high warlord and grand marshal meant something

I remember when critical strike was the game breaking stat.

I remember when we could literally 2 shot clothies.

I remember when heroes like Swifty and Pat and Maydie dominated the field. . . may their legacies live on.

I remember death wish and imp. intercept in their correct places.

I remember a time. . . . when fury was king..

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Views: 23,454
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Rating: 3.27 / 5
Category Rank: 9959
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