PvP is Serious Business by Faxmonkey
Class: Multiple | Category: Machinima | Server : US - Blackrock ( Bloodlust )
4.72 /5 46 ? ? 113 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
A while back I had some ideas from comical things to do to other players in PvP that I thought would be a nice escape from regular old PvP videos. Unfortunately, most of the things I had planned involved Alterac Vallley in some way and when 2.2 rolled out AV queue times jumped up to 2 hours. I stopped collecting clips and they languished on my hard drive for a few months.

Today, for no reason, I decided it would be a shame to waste the stuff I did have recorded -- so I edited them into a very short video. I also mixed in various humorous (I found them funny anyways) clips featuring all 3 of my characters that I had recorded for other reasons.

There's nothing fancy editing here. I literally spent less than an hour editing this video. There's no super-skilled PvP either. It's just meant to be a lighthearted take on PvP demonstrating some amusing ways I found to kill people by outsmarting them.

Hopefully the final product, because it's so short, is worth the time it takes to download it. It should amuse you at least a little bit -- I hope.

Anyways, enjoy.

P.S. This will probably be my last movie for "a while". My monitor died requiring me to buy a new one and the new one uses a higher native resolution than my old one, requiring me to run WoW at a higher resolution. I can't handle running fraps at that resolution (I get 5 fps). So until I get a new computer, this is it. Hopefully I'll get a new rig sooner rather than later, but I have no idea.


Lorenzo in Sicilia - Banda Ionica
Mama's Sister - DJ Jay-R (Mash-up of "I can't Decide" by the Scissor Sisters and "Lip Gloss" by Lil Mama)

*If you must watch a streaming version, the Veoh's streaming quality, while not as good as watching an actual copy, is better than Filefront's streaming copy*.
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