2300+ Hunter/Priest - SERIOUSLY OFFCELL by S�sse
Class: Hunter | Category: PvP | Server : US - Cho'gall ( Rampage )
4.02 /5 147 ? ? 463 MB Correct Share
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Update: Currently the highest rated Hunter/Priest combo in the world.

Apologies for not including any death metal, I don't find PvP to be that intense. If you don't like the music, mute it and listen to your own stuff, I don't care.

Oh hai,

This is my first video ever. I've been PvPing since December 2007 and run a 2300+ Hunter/Priest team with Offcell on US-Rampage. At the time this is posted we are 10 points from being the #1 Hunter/Priest team in the world (down with dwarves!).

Soundtrack by Infected Mushroom, song titles are included in video.

Feedback and comments, positive or otherwise, are welcome.

Also, look for Seriously: 2 at the end of Season 3. Contact me here for any matchup requests you would like to see included or with any recommendations about how to make my movies better.


P.S. Please avoid the streams if possible, always worth the wait to download. :-)

P.S.S. 3 people have mentioned me clicking Feign Death. What you are seeing is me clicking a Macro that recalls pet, Feigns, drinks, resends pet. I have to be standing still to do it and it takes about 1-2 seconds. Clicking is the most successful way to do it, doing it too fast will cause it not to work..

If you want to improve your PvP skills, and become a beast in Arenas, Blazing Boost provides Arena coaching for all classes and specs!
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