WILL WIPE YOU ON GALV 4 Trailer by Muffins!
Class: Shaman | Category: PvP | Server : US - Muradin ( Vengeance )
4.68 /5 125 ? ? 32 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
**It's highly recommended that you download the movie instead of streaming it on wcm.com or filefront. If you MUST, please use the VIMEO STREAM! It�s better than ex-Stage6 in my opinion. Please support me, the author and the fight against bad live streams!. **

This is a 1 minute and 30 second short trailer/teaser of the upcoming WILL WIPE YOU ON GALV 4 Movie. It will be released in the next few weeks or month. The fourth installment will contain ONLY WORLD PVP footage through a restoration shaman's POV. I might consider going another spec or play my Muffins warlock for a different POV in the upcoming weeks, but don't count on it.

About us and our guild: We're an extremely small guild with extremely talented players of all classes from the Muradin server, horde side. We specialize in survivability against insane odds in BGs, world pvp and maintain high arena ratings. Our Goal: To prevent the alliance from gaining honor in any BG, especially AV's and to disrupt major alliance cities How do we accomplish this? Going hard defense in AV, attempting to recap points, turtle and wipe alliance in Drek's room or Captain Galvanar's room. Most of us don't need the honor and we do this for pure fun. Say what you want about defense in AV but I assure you that it is the most fun thing you can do in any BG with a group of hardcore pvpers.

Here are links to the first two movies in the series:

Wipe you on Galv 1: http://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=41950

Wipe you on Galv 2: http://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=44887

Wipe you on Galv 3:


So sit back, TURN UP the volume and enjoy the
cinematic yet action packed trailer

Please rate accordingly too! Trolling , foul language and comments with no constructive criticism are not allowed on WCM and will be reported.

If you don't have the time to grind for PvP gear or rating, Blazing Boost can help!
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