Movie Summary
If the link doesnt work underneath my movie just Copy/Paste this one, enjoy!
***Le Summary***
Right, first of all, if you've seen my other movies you will know that they're mainly for entertaining purposes.
This video therefore will not contain gamebreaking rogue footage, just an average rogue with clips taken from 1950 up to 2050.
I've been mutilate from season 1 up to season 3, but after the first week I decided to get the s2 maces because my gimped stealth was getting my lock owned.
Once I hit the 2k I started saving up for the daggers and once I got the main hand I spec'd back to my old spec 41/20/0. Mutilate will always be my favorite spec and im glad ive got the weapons to back it up now. My lock is U/A for the first 8 minutes of the movie, and in the last bits he's Sl/sl for the sake of our 3v3.
This is purely a 2v2 video and I just started recording for fun, but as I was watching the clips on my harddrive I started to notice what my lock actually did in the arena. And after seeing clip after clip I decided to make this a tribute to him being the best teammate I will ever have. Known the guy since I met his nelf 2,5 years back in darkshore and I tagged along to this server 1.5 years back.
As always my movie is quickpaced but easy to watch, and I hope you endjoy.
My pc can't handle fraps recording at fullsize and so I tried to compensate with rendering at a higher quality. Its not bad, but its definitely not crystal-clear. The divx converter messed up the first 3 intro titles so they will flash out too fast, but titles say:
�Wabbit a production bunny�
�Production a wabbitbunny�
�A bunnywabbit production�
With only this one detail messed up i thought it was ready to be uploaded.
I really do recommend downloading, because the streams mess up some audio/video syncs which is a big waste. Just put the download on, and go do something for an hour or 2. If however you cant bring yourself to downloading take the stage 6 stream its pretty decent save for the first few seconds.
**The Download version from Filefront is 540 MB's but I hope you will endure the time it takes to download.**
This one is for you steve!
Addons I use:
- Pitbull for healthbars and party frames.
- Quartz for castbars.
- Parrot for combattext.
- Bartender for actionbars.
- And obviously proximo for in the arena's.
Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!