Ugly Goblin's Christmas by Johan V�gstedt
Class: Unknown | Category: Contest | Server : EU - Laughing Skull ( Conviction )
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Movie Summary
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~ Once upon a time, in the harsh cold north, there lived a goblin known for his ugly exterior. His name was Kryll and during the second and third war he served under Deathwing.

Kryll kickin' ass

The dragonkin taught him the dark arts and necromancy which he took with him in his life after the wars. It was after the third one that he retreated to Dun Morogh where he dug deep into the mountains and experimented.

Kryll learning Necromancy

More than once he became a victim of mean jokes planned by the town's children and he allways tried to avenge 'em and retrieve his honor. One day he made a promise to himself that once a year try to be a better goblin.
It's just become December the first when our little goblin friend realizes that hasn't fullfilled his vow this year. ~

If you want to watch the crappy version:

Welcome to the entry of Firebolt Productions and Matt Greenberg. We've got a lot of new features in this video such as a beautiful original soundtrack composed by Nathan Allen Pinard, a really cool Firebolt logo made by Dopefish in the stream versions and a re-skinned ugly goblin by Alin Putinelu.
If the reskinning should bother anyone in any way I can only say that you as an audience will expect an ugly goblin in this film when you see the title. Feel free to direct any form of serious questions to myself or to Alin on his website:

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